TAZ Servicetechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Accredited calibration laboratories for areas such as hardness testers, scales and electrical parameters have existed for decades. In the course of time, the question came up: Why are there no calibration laboratories for Optical Emission Spectrometry, independent of manufacturers?
The TAZ GmbH as a service laboratory has many years of experience in Optical Emission Spectrometry and Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy. On this basis the decision to set up a calibration laboratory for optical emission spectrometry was made and implemented. In 2017 the TAZ Servicetechnik GmbH & Co KG was founded as a spin-off from TAZ GmbH.
Optical Emission Spectrometers have been successfully calibrated and factory calibration certificates have been issued since 2018. At the same time, the TAZ Servicetechnik worked very intensively for a possible accreditation by the german accreditation body (DAkkS).
With the accomplished accreditation of our calibration laboratory, we are one of the world’s few calibration laboratories and the first in DACH region for Optical Emission Spectrometry according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 since February 19, 2020.
We are looking forward to your orders!
Our Team

Sebastian Mirthes
M.Eng. Materials Science TH
On-site calibration

Thomas Asam
M.Eng. Physical Technology
Head of Calibration Laboratory

Moritz Winter
M.Sc. Materials Science
Head of Calibration Laboratory

Martin Tilleman
Technician optical spectrometry
On-site calibration
Head of Office West

Maria Asam
Business Administration
General Administration

Manuela Thoma
Office Administration
General Administration